Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Lakeview Resort at Cheat Lake, WV - Fix the Urinal!

Been staying here since the 80's and they can't seem to replace a bad urinal.  The place has gone through some phases with it being a Sheraton back in the last 80', then a Scantonton Conference Center, and then I think independant for a number of years.  About a year ago it went up for auction and is now part of the Wyndham program.  

It has been said that over $1M dollars has been put into it recently and some of the rooms look nice, but they have a problem with basic blocking and tackling in the maintenance area.

If you are looking for a flop house near WVU then you came to the right place.

Was here in September 2020 and they had a urinal problem.  Putting a bag over it until you can get it fixed is pretty common.

However when September 2021 rolls around and the same bag is there with a new sign, I don't think anyone gives a shit about fixing it.

They did add a new feature to to the bathroom with a few new holes in the wall.  Not sure how they will mark them since it would be hard to put a garbage bag over them.  I guess if this urinal quits working they are thinking ahead and you just aim a little higher.

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